Copyright © 1993, 1994 by Eric M. LaFranchi. All Rights Reserved. This software is Copyright 1993, 1994 by Eric M. LaFranchi. Permission to use, copy, and freely redistributed this software in its entirety is hereby granted provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice are retained. This software may not be sold for profit or incorporated in commercial software products without the written permission of the author. This software is provided "as is", the author nor his employer make any representation of warranty, express or implied, with respect to any code or other information herein. In addition, the author disclaim's any liability whatsoever for any use of such code or other information. P A C K A S M R E L E A S E N O T E S Version 2.3 Jan 1994 __________________________________________________________________________ Packasm 2.3 (24-Jan-1994) * Enhanced subject parsing: - Improved determination of package names. An attempt is made to avoid names like "V1.3", and attempt to determine a more accurate package name. - Improved part specifier recognition. Previous versions of PACKASM would assume that "1/" was a valid part specifiers for a package and then not find as the package name. Strings such as "1/" are no longer valid part specifiers, and "" will be correctly found as the package name. - Improved attempt to avoid picking up dates as subject names (e.g. "1994/1/3" will not be considered a part specifier). * Added /SEPARATOR qualifier. This qualifier allows the user to specify a string to be added to the default list of separators used to identify part numbers in a package. A user can now add a separator on the command line without modifying any code. * Added /MAIL_FILE qualifier. This qualifier allows the user to specify a mail file different than the default mail file for a user. * Added message to inform the user that no packages matching the package specification were found. Bug fixes since PACKASM -- Version 2.2-2 * Validate all characters in a UUencoded line. If all the characters in the line are valid, the line is decoded, otherwise it is ignored. In particular, this fixes the bug where lines with "Message-ID..." and of the appropriate length would be UUdecoded. Note that validating the encoded line only checks for length and valid characters, it's not perfect but a big improvement over not checking at all. * Enhanced UUdecode algorithm to pad with the appropriate number of spaces if there are too few characters are present in a line. This is seen in FTPmail packages. Courtesy of Peder Dahlberg. __________________________________________________________________________ Packasm 2.2-2 (23-Dec-1993) Bug fixes since PACKASM -- Version 2.2-1 * Fixed bug that caused packasm to abort if an unexpected state was encounter in a UUencoded package. __________________________________________________________________________ Packasm 2.2-1 (11-Dec-1993) Bug fixes since PACKASM -- Version 2.2 * Fixed bug that prevented the /OVERRIDE qualifier from working correctly. * Fixed bug in state machine where a "Message-ID: <" statement would be UUdecoded and applied to the binary output file. * Fixed bug that caused news article headers to be scanned multiple times if more than one package specification was specified on command line. * Fixed bug in the descrip.mms file to correctly include object file from object library. * Revamped the way in which messages file definitions are included in modules. * Modified the __ALPHA conditional to be __ALPHA__ in the descrip.mms file to be compatible with Matt Madison's MMK utility. __________________________________________________________________________ Packasm 2.2 (04-Nov-1993) Enhancements since PACKASM -- Version 2.1 * Enhanced subject parsing to extract and assemble ftpmail packages. * Added the /REMOVE_HEADER qualifier. This qualifier is used with the /NOUNPACK qualifier to extract text files and remove the header information. Bug fixes since PACKASM -- Version 2.1 * Correctly parse subjects with more than one part divider. __________________________________________________________________________ Packasm 2.1 Enhancements since PACKASM -- Version 2.0 * Added /ARTICLES qualifier. This gives the user the ability to select single articles or packages (multiple articles) that may not be have subject lines that conform to subject parsing criteria. In addition, specifying articles with the /ARTICLES qualifier does not scan an entire news group, it is also a performance optimization. * Added the /OVERRIDE qualifier. This qualifier will inhibit processing of the ignore list for the subject lines. By default, subject lines containing "Re:", "Repost:" and "Was:" are ignore. * The /NNTP qualifier will now take an IP address or a hostname for the NNTP server. * Enhanced subject parsing. * Removed dependence on linking with SYS$SYSTEM:SYS.STB Bug fixes since PACKASM -- Version 2.0 * Added the $datetime built-in type in the cld files, allowing dates to be specified using the same syntax as all other DCL utilities. * Fixed compile problems with TCPware on OpenVMS AXP systems -- Tested with TCPWare Version 3.1 on OpenVMS AXP. * Multiple disk based ANU News bug fixes: 1) Changed/fixed article time stamp to be based on the file creation date instead of the news article time stamp. 2) Fixed bug that didn't close files when subject line didn't match specified package name. This caused the process CHANNELCNT to be exhausted in large news groups. Courtesy of John W. Kneitz. 3) Encountering files that could not be opened would cause scanning of current news group to be aborted. Courtesy of John W. Kneitz. __________________________________________________________________________ Packasm 2.0 Enhancements since XSHARE -- Version 1.2. * The XSHARE utility has been renamed to PACKASM (Package Assembler). * This utility now supports assembling packages from news groups via NNTP specifying the /NNTP_SERVER qualifier (and the optional /PROTOCOL = qualifier) or disk based ANU News using the /ANU_NEWS qualifier, in addition to VMSmail. News groups are specified with the /NEWSGROUP qualifier. * The /OUTPUT qualifier now supports specifying a target directory where the assembled packages are written. Note that you can still specify a complete output specification. * The /DELETE qualifier has been added to delete VMSmail articles after a package is assembled. This qualifier pertains only to VMSmail and not news groups. * The /DECODE qualifier decodes UUencoded files. All other package types ignore the /DECODE qualifier. Bug Fixes since XSHARE -- Version 1.1 * A bug in the /DECODE qualifier has been fixed that kept some UUencoded files from being identified correctly. __________________________________________________________________________ XSHARE 1.2 Enhancements since XSHARE -- Version 1.1. * XSHARE is a general package assembler utility now, and will now assemble and extract any packages matching the subject parsing criteria, See XSHARE.DOC. * XSHARE understands UUencoded files and will strip off VMSmail header and trailer information. * XSHARE will now except wildcard as valid package names. * A host of new qualifiers have been added, including: /SINCE, /BEFORE, /EXCLUDE, /UNPACK (See XSHARE.DOC for a complete description of these qualifiers.) __________________________________________________________________________ XSHARE 1.1 (13-MAR-1993) Enhancements since XSHARE -- Version 1.0. * XSHARE now removes VMSmail headers from the package as it is extracted. The extracted file can be executed without any further edits. * A foreign command interface has been added. Note that this interface uses the same syntax as the CLD interface. * XSHARE has been tested on OpenVMS AXP V1.0 * XSHARE now has a help file. Courtesy of Dave Smith Bug Fixes since XSHARE -- Version 1.0. * Fixed bug that caused a "duplicate parts" error when a subject name was encountered that was a sub-string of the specified package name. * Fixed bug that caused the output file name not to be updated when multiple packages are specified. __________________________________________________________________________ XSHARE 1.0 (10-FEB-1993)