DECUS VTBOOK Installation procedure INSTALLING DECUS VTBOOK DECUS VTBOOK arrives in saveset form, accompanied by this document. A copy of this document also is part of the saveset just in case you get separated. If you've unpacked the saveset, you jumped ahead of us and probably nothing's working quite right. DECUS VTBOOK uses VMSINSTAL to compile, link, and set up its environment. It'll make sure to ask you about most of the things it thinks you'll want to make decisions about and gives you as much control as possible. It also provides you with the chance to simply skip all the questions and accept our default installation in case you're the type of person who hates surveys and answering lots of questions. PRE-INSTALLATION If you already have a prior version of VTBOOK installed *prior to V1.2, you will need to delete all files associated with VTBOOK before installing DECUS VTBOOK V1.4. While you may attempt to install the new version over the old without deleting old files first, your results cannot be guaranteed. All DECUS VTBOOK files are installed into subdirectories under [VTBOOK]. INSTALLATION To start the installation, simply type: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL VTBOOK012 : OPTIONS N,I replacing and with the device and directory in which the DECUS VTBOOK saveset resides. The "OPTIONS N,I" part ensures two things: One, that you'll get to review any last-minute release notes that we couldn't get incorporated into the documentation and two, that you won't be bothered by those annoying first three questions that VMSINTSTAL always asks and no one ever pays any attention to anyway. (Note: It's save to ignore those questions with this particular product, but you should be careful using OPTION I in general). If this is a new installation, or you are upgrading from VTBOOK V1.0, the installation procedure will attempt installation on SYS$SYSDEVICE:. Simply put, this is the only disk that we can be assured is on all systems. DECUS VTBOOK does *not* need to be placed on the system disk, and will function properly when placed on any disk in your system. If this is an upgrade, VMSINSTAL will attempt to locate your existing installation and place the files there. Note that it you elect the standard installation, VMSINSTAL will not ask you whether you wish to purge files replaced during the installation. This will occur automatically, by default, as part of the standard installation even though it is not listed on the explanation that preceds the "Do you want to answer a lot of questions" question. POST-INTALLATION TASKS These will vary depending on the installation style you chose. If you elected not to have DECUS VTBOOK installed into your DCLTABLES.EXE, or if you have system-specific DCLTABLES rather than common ones, you'll need to manually add DECUS VTBOOK to those tables you want it in and then re-install them as shown in the example above. Alternately, you can simply put the command "$ SET COMMAND VTBOOK_LOC:VTBOOK" in the LOGIN.COMs of everyone you want to be able to access VTBOOK. You may also elect to have the following line put into either a system-wide SYLOGIN.COM or into each user's LOGIN.COM: $ VTBOOK:==$VTBOOK_LOC:VTBOOK.EXE VTBOOK now supports both foreign-command and CLI invocations equally and without prejudice. Additionally, remember that if you elected to have the VMSINSTAL update your DCLTABLES but did not elect the cluster-wide startup, you'll need to reinstall that image as follows (or something close to this): $ MCR SYSMAN SYSMAN> set environment/cluster SYSMAN> do install replace SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE If the command is to be made available cluster-wide, perform the following step while still in SYSMAN (again, if you elected cluster-wide startup, this step is not necessary): SYSMAN> do @sys$startup:vtbook_startup This will define DECUS VTBOOK's logicals (all of which are prefixed by "VTBOOK_"). This file is created by the VMSINSTAL procedure, and will include commented-out logicals for directories not required by the particular installation options you have requested. See the VTBOOK014.RELEASE_NOTES for a list of logical names which may be defined for use on your system and all files and their placement in a full installation as well as a complete list of fixes and modifications since V1.0.