The mod_install utility is used to add information about CDSA
modules into the Module Directory Services database.
This program generally is called by SYS$STARTUP:CDSA$INITIALIZE.COM.
mod_install [-f] option [-s file] [-d path]
-f | | Specifies not to warn about
unsigned or corrupt modules. |
option | | Specifies the action to be
taken by the mod_install utility: -i | | Install the module. | -u | | Uninstall the module. | -r | | Refresh the installation
information. |
-s file | | Specifies the full file specification
(in UNIX® directory format)
of the source file to be installed. |
-d path | | Specifies the destination
path (in UNIX directory format) of the source file to be installed. |
The following example installs the add-in module stubcsp300_shr.exe
in the CDSA MDS database. The logical definition in the first command
is necessary because the shareable image is not in SYS$LIBRARY and it
will be invoked as part of the installation process.
$ define stubcsp300_shr "cdsa_tempdir:[addin]stubcsp300_shr.exe" $ mod_install -i -s /cdsa_tempdir/addin - _$ /stubcsp300_shr.exe -d /cdsa_tempdir/addin