Chapter 2

The Help Command

This chapter discusses DECevent help and Tru64 UNIX help.

2.1 Overview

Help is provided for DECevent commands both through an internal DECevent help utility and through the Tru64 UNIX man utility.

2.2 DECevent Help

The DECevent hlp flag provides you with help based on a topic string. If the help utility contains information for that topic string, the information is presented. If no information is available for that topic string, a warning message is displayed and you are prompted to enter another topic string. Once help has been presented, you are prompted to enter another topic string. Each help topic can have zero or more subtopics that provide more information on the main topic.

2.2.1 Syntax

The following syntax is used for the DECevent hlp flag:

dia hlp [help_req]

Help_req Parameter

The help_req parameter is a topic string for which help has been requested.


% dia hlp -b

This example provides help on the -b flag.

2.2.2 Exiting DECevent Help

There are two ways to exit from DECevent help. Either enter Ctrl/C followed by a carriage return, or type nothing at the topic prompt and enter a carriage return.

2.3 Tru64 UNIX Help

Help for the DECevent commands also is available through the Tru64 UNIX man utility. The following command shows how to obtain DECevent help using man:

% man dia

The man utility then displays a description of all DECevent commands.