*** COPYRIGHT NOTICE *** Copyright (C) 1995 James Shen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ********************************************************************** TO RUN SHS ********************************************************************** SHS Requires GROUP privilege to access the process(es) not owned by you but within the same group. SHS requires WORLD privilege to access any process(es) outside your own group. It runs on both VAX and Alpha. To create SHS image: o If your system has a MMS, and a DEC FORTRAN compiler V6.2 or above installed, you can simply type MMS at command line after you unzip the package. (at least on DEC FORTRAN V6.1, it will crash when it tries to compile one of the recursive routines :-(, so I attached the object files for both VAX and Alpha) $ MMS o If your system has only a DEC FORTRAN compiler V6.2 or above installed, after you unzip the package, you can enter: $ @BUILD.COM *** NOTE *** The image SHS.EXE built by following the above procedure is linked against the system shareable image library. This is upward compatible _ONLY_. Which means the image SHS.EXE will run on any other VMS system within the same architecture without any recompiling and relinking as long as the version of the VMS is same or higher than the version on which SHS.EXE was built. Otherwise, you may receive the message - "image identification mismatch". To build the SHS.EXE image, which can be executed on the system having an older version of run time shareable images, you need to link the object files against the default system object library - STARLET.OlB. Edit the build.com to suit your desire. If you use MMS, enter: $ MMS/MACRO=(__NOSHR__=1) *** END OF NOTE *** You may use SHS by either defining it as a real command (via the SET COMMAND command), or by defining it as a foreign command (via DCLsymbol :== $SHS). To install SHS system wide, you need to follow this procedure (assuming you have the proper privileges): o Move the SHS.EXE image to proper location, with FILE PROTECTION W:RE. o Modify the SHS.CLD file VERB defintion section to point the image to the location where it resides. For example: IMAGE SYS$SYSTEM:SHS.EXE o Install the NEW command definition table (with assumption users' dcltable is SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE $ SET COMMAND /TABLE=SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]DCLTABLES - _$ /OUTPUT=SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]DCLTABLES DEV:[DIR]SHS.CLD $ INSTALL REPLACE/LOG/SHARE/HEADER_RESIDENT/OPEN - _$ SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]DCLTABLES.EXE o Install the SHS help file to the system help library. $ LIBRARY/INSERT/HELP SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB DEV:[DIR]SHS OR: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM HLP$LIBRARY_# SHS DEV:[DIR]SHS.HLB - Where # needs to be a consecutive number, the first one will be HLP$LIBRARY, second will be HLP$LIBRARY_1, third one will be HLP$LIBRARY_2, and so on. You need to put the above command in your SYS$MANAGER: SYLOGICALS.COM if you want this help be available to all users everytime the system reboots. To use SHS process wide, you can follow this procedure. If you want this setting available every time you login to the system, you may put these commands in your LOGIN.COM. o After you have built the SHS image as stated above, you need to setup your process command table by: $ SET COMMAND DEV:[DIR]SHS.CLD But before you do that, if you want to use default supplied SHS.CLD file, then you need to move SHS.EXE to your SYS$LOGIN directory, otherwise, you need to modify the verb definition section in the SHS.CLD file to point to the location of the image by changing this: IMAGE device:[directory]SHS.EXE o Setup the SHS help facility. You need to put SHS.HLB in your SYS$LOGIN: directory in order for the program to work right. o To use the SHS help, you may enter: $ HELP/LIBRARY=SYS$LOGIN:SHS.HLB SHS OR: $ DEFINE HLP$LIBRARY_# SYS$LOGIN:SHS.HLB - Where # needs to be a consecutive number, the first one will be HLP$LIBRARY, second will be HLP$LIBRARY_1, third one will be HLP$LIBRARY_2, and so on. You need to put the above command in your LOGIN.COM, if you want this help be available everytime you login. To use SHS as a foreign command, You need to define a DCL symbol to point to the image. (With OpenVMS 6.2, you may use DCL$PATH to implement automatic foreign command from DCL without defining a DCL symbol). You may choose to define the DCL symbol system wide by putting it in SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM, or in process wide by putting it in SYS$LOGIN:LOGIN.COM, or even in group wide if you have some mechanism to distinguish which group the user belongs to in SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM and define the logical name HLP$LIBRARY_# in group wide. James Shen (jshen1@ford.com) Powertrain Operation Ford Motor Company 1981 Front Wheel Drive, Batavia, OH 45103