XTHING, MOTIF TOYS, A Visualization Tool XTHING is a tool I wrote for the use of displaying 3D data in 2D. Most of the packages we had only displayed in 16 colors, I broke that barrior. XTHING takes a file of data and plots it in n-1 colors where n is the number of colors available on the display. It compresses points either linearly or logarithmically, displays the data in color (HSB) or gray scale, zooms, and does period repeats of the image. It also outputs in postscript (which post.c might be handy for a slew of programs...) I wrote XTHING on an IBM/RS6000 but have successfully compiled it with no changes on VAX VMS systems. Plus (if you have the memory) I have plotted over 800,000 points. John L. Cwikla Materials Research Laboratory Center for Computation University of Illionois