HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 Upgrade and Installation Manual > Appendix B Configuring OpenVMS I64 Hardware Operation
and Boot Operations, and Booting and Shutting Down Your System
Booting Operations
This section describes various methods for booting your OpenVMS
I64 operating system.  |  |  |  |  | NOTE: To boot your OpenVMS I64 operating
system, you must be using a serial device for the console. OpenVMS
does not support VGA graphics (nor USB keyboards) as console devices
for booting. For information about setting up the console on your
Integrity server, see “Selecting Your OpenVMS Console for the Integrity
Server System”. |  |  |  |  |
of Booting on a Cell-Based Server |  |
This section gives an overview of booting the nPartition hardware
and booting OpenVMS on an nPartition. Booting
the nPartition HardwareEach nPartition runs its own firmware and has its own system
boot environment. You can boot an nPartition independently of any
other nPartitions in the same server complex. The nPartition boot process includes two phases: the cell
boot phase and the nPartition boot phase. Note that these phases
occur only as part of the hardware boot process, not as part of
the operating system boot. Cell boot
phase—This phase occurs when cells are powered on or reset.
The main activities during this phase are the power-on-self-test
activities. During this phase, cells operate independently of other
cells in the complex. Cells do not necessarily proceed through
this phase at the same pace, because each cell may have a different
amount of hardware to discover and test, or cells might be reset
or powered on at different times. nPartition boot phase—This phase occurs
when an nPartition has been booted, after its cells have completed
their self tests. During this phase, “nPartition rendezvous” occurs,
in which each cell contacts the other active cells in the nPartition
and selects a core cell that is responsible
for managing the rest of the nPartition boot process. A processor
on the core cell runs the nPartition EFI system boot environment.
When the operating system boot process is initiated, the core cell
passes control to the operating system loader.
You can view progress of these phases by using the Virtual
Front Panel (VFP) to check the nPartition boot state. Access VFP
from the MP main menu. For information about how to boot the nPartition hardware,
see your hardware documentation. Booting
OpenVMS I64 on an nPartitionAs with all Integrity servers that run OpenVMS, you can boot
OpenVMS I64 either by selecting a boot entry from the EFI Boot Manager
or by starting the system loader (VMS_LOADER.EFI) from the EFI Shell.
To boot OpenVMS I64, access the nPartition console and use either
of these two methods: From the EFI
Boot Manager, select the OpenVMS I64 boot entry from the boot options
list and press Enter. From the EFI Shell, start the OpenVMS system loader
by entering the following command at the EFI Shell prompt, where
fsn: (such as fs1:) is the device associated
with the OpenVMS I64 system disk: Shell>fsn:\efi\vms\vms_loader.efi
When starting the VMS_LOADER.EFI system loader, you must either
specify its full path (as shown in this example) or start it from
the \efi\vms directory. For more information, see “General
Notes About Using EFI”. For booting the OpenVMS I64 OE DVD, the path is different.
Enter the following command instead: Shell>fsn:\efi\boot\bootia64.efi
 |  |  |  |  | NOTE: The nPartition must be at EFI before beginning
the OpenVMS I64 boot process. If the nPartition is not at EFI,
you can use VFP to check the nPartition boot state. An nPartition might
be inactive or cells might be powered off. If VFP indicates that
all cells in the nPartition are in the boot-is-blocked (BIB)
state, the nPartition is inactive and you must use the MP bo command to boot the nPartition past BIB and make it active.
For more information, see your hardware documentation. |  |  |  |  |
Booting the OpenVMS I64 OE DVD from the Local
Drive |  |
To boot the OpenVMS I64 OE DVD, follow these steps. To boot
the DVD on a cell-based server, a DVD device must be accessible
for the nPartition that OpenVMS is being installed on. Make sure your Integrity
server is powered on. If your system has an attached external device, make
sure it is turned on and operational. Insert the DVD into the drive. Cycle power. From the main EFI boot menu (for cell-based servers,
this must be the EFI boot menu for the nPartition on which OpenVMS
is to be booted), select the appropriate item from the boot options list.
Note that the EFI boot menu is timed; press any key to stop the
countdown timer. For some systems, the boot
option to select is the Internal Bootable DVD option. If that option
is not listed in your EFI boot menu, move to the Boot From a File
menu and select the Removable Media Boot option, if present. Alternatively (and this method is recommended for cell-based
servers), boot the DVD drive from the EFI Shell prompt by entering
the command shown in the following example, where fsn: corresponds
to the Integrity server DVD drive (such as fs0:). Note that if you
have navigated to a particular file system, the EFI Shell prompt
would reflect that file system; for example, if the current file
system is fs0:, the EFI Shell prompt would be fs0:>. Shell>fsn:\efi\boot\bootia64.efi
To determine which device is the bootable DVD drive, examine
the list of mapped devices and look for an fs device listing that
includes the text CDROM, as in the following example, where fsn is
the file system associated with the drive, which is usually fs0:
(instead of fsn, you might see something like
V8.3; instead of Ata, you might see Scsi, depending on the
server model): fsn : Acpi(HWP0002,400)/Pci(4|1)/Ata(Primary,Master)/CDROM(Entry0) Use the vms_show dev command to display the mapping of various EFI device
names to OpenVMS device names, as in the following example where
fsn is the device you want to check (such as
fs0:): Shell>fsn:\efi\vms\vms_show dev -fs
For more information about the vms_show command, see the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual. When
the DVD boots properly, the OpenVMS operating system banner is displayed,
followed by the operating system menu. You can now install your
OpenVMS I64 operating system onto the target disk; see “Installing the OpenVMS Operating System onto
a System Disk”. If the DVD fails to boot
properly use the alternate method of booting described in “Alternate
Method of Using EFI to Boot the DVD”.
 |  |  |  |  | NOTE: When booting OpenVMS from the installation DVD for the
first time on any OpenVMS I64 system with a SAN storage device,
you might experience a delay in EFI initialization because the entire
SAN is scanned. Depending on the size of the SAN, this delay might
range from several seconds to several minutes. |  |  |  |  |
Method of Using EFI to Boot the DVDIf the DVD does not boot using the methods described above,
follow these steps: To ensure that EFI can access the DVD, enter
the following commands at the EFI Shell prompt of a entry-class
or single-cell Integrity server. Enter the commands in the order
shown. (The EFI Shell prompt may not necessarily be Shell> as
in this example; it could be a prompt that reflects the current
file system, such as fs0:>.) Shell> reconnect -r Shell> map -r
For a multiple-cell nPartition on a cell-based server, use
the search all command instead of the reconnect -r command, followed by the map -r command. See your hardware documentation for more information
about EFI commands. The reconnect -r command discovers any devices added after booting the
server. The search all command discovers all devices including any that were
not in the boot options list or connected to the core cell’s
I/O chassis. (On large server systems, the search all command could take significant time to complete. You
can reduce the search time by specifying a more directed search, such
as for a specific I/O chassis connected to a cell or a specific
PCI card in a chassis. For more information, see the help information
provided for the search command.) The map -r command remaps and rebuilds the list of known devices
that have a bootable EFI system partition. For a multiple-cell
nPartition on a cell-based server, if you insert the DVD after EFI
is loaded, you must use the search command to allow EFI to detect
the inserted DVD; otherwise, EFI would not recognize the DVD in
the DVD drive. When EFI detects a valid, bootable DVD in the DVD
drive, it maps an fs device to it and lists that device in the mapping
table displayed by the map -r command. To boot the DVD, enter the following
command at the EFI Shell prompt, where fsn:
is the Integrity server DVD drive (such as fs0:). Shell>fsn:\efi\boot\bootia64.efi
If this command does not work, or if you have doubts about
which device maps to the DVD drive, you can use the EFI Boot Manager
menu system to boot the OE DVD, as described in the following steps: From
the main EFI boot menu, select the Boot Configuration option (or
in some versions of EFI, the Boot Option Maintenance Menu). From the Boot Configuration menu,
select the Boot From a File option. From the Boot From a File menu,
select the menu item that includes the text CDROM, as in the following
example, and press Enter.  |  |  |  |  | NOTE: The contents of the screens shown in the following
examples vary according to the firmware and devices installed on
your Integrity server. |  |  |  |  |
A screen is displayed that shows
the top-level directory structure of the DVD, similar to the screen
in the following example. Select the efi directory. The next screen to appear shows
the first level of subdirectories below the top level, similar to the
following example. Select the boot directory (it contains the boot
file). The next screen
displays the files within the boot directory. Select the file named
the OpenVMS I64 OE DVD from the InfoServer |  |
To boot from a virtual DVD drive on the LAN using OpenVMS
I64 InfoServer software, you must initially perform certain configuration
steps (one time only). These steps and the instructions for performing
the network boot are described in Appendix C “Setting Up and Performing Network Booting”. Booting
Manually from the Local System Disk |  |
HP recommends setting up your Integrity server EFI console
with a boot option for your OpenVMS I64 operating system disk.
In this way, booting the system disk simply requires selecting the
boot option from the EFI Boot Manager boot options list. You can
set the EFI boot option to boot automatically on powering on or rebooting.
The OpenVMS installation and upgrade procedures can assist you
in adding and validating a boot option for your system disk; you
can also use the OpenVMS I64 Boot Manager utility (SYS$MANAGER:BOOT_OPTIONS.COM), as
explained in “Setting
Boot Options for Your System Disk”.
To boot the OpenVMS I64 operating system disk manually, follow
these steps: If OpenVMS is not running, skip to the next
step. If OpenVMS is running, access the EFI console by shutting
down the operating system (see the instructions in “Halt and Shutdown Procedures”). Boot the system disk manually by entering the following
command at the EFI Shell prompt, where fsn:
(such as fs1:) is the device associated with the system disk: Shell>fsn:\efi\vms\vms_loader.efi
You must either specify the full path (as shown in this example)
or start the system loader from the \efi\vms directory. For more information, see “General
Notes About Using EFI”.
a Conversational (Interactive) Boot |  |
A conversational boot is most commonly used in research and
development environments and during software upgrades. Perform
a conversational boot to stop the boot process before it completes.
The boot process stops after it loads SYS$SYSTEM:SYSBOOT.EXE and
displays the SYSBOOT> prompt. At the SYSBOOT> prompt,
you can enter specific OpenVMS System Generation utility (SYSGEN)
commands to do the following: Examine system parameter values Change system parameter values Specify another parameter file Specify another system startup command procedure Select the default system parameter file (IA64VMSSYS.PAR)
if you modified system parameters to values that render the system
unbootable Specify a minimum startup
There are several ways to perform a conversational boot.
The following procedure is the most direct: IF ... | THEN GO TO... |
The OpenVMS
I64 operating system is running. | Step 1 | The OpenVMS
I64 operating system is not running. | Step 4 |
Log in to the SYSTEM account. Enter the following command: Answer the questions displayed by the system. When
the procedure asks whether an automatic reboot should be performed,
press Enter for NO. When the procedure is finished, it displays the following
message: Halt the system or nPartition. (See “Halt and Shutdown Procedures” for more information about how
to halt your Integrity server). Begin the conversational boot by entering the following
command at the EFI Shell prompt, where fsn:
is the device (such as fs1:) associated with the system disk: Shell>fsn:\efi\vms\vms_loader.efi -flags 0,1
At the SYSBOOT> prompt, you can enter any of
the SYSGEN commands listed in Table B-2 “SYSGEN Commands Used in the SYSBOOT Procedure”. For more information about these SYSGEN commands,
see the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: M--Z. When you finish using the SYSGEN commands, enter the
CONTINUE command to complete the boot process.
Table B-2 SYSGEN Commands Used in the SYSBOOT Procedure Command | Description |
CONTINUE | Resumes
the boot procedure. | DISABLE
CHECKS | Inhibits
checking of parameter values specified with the SET command. | ENABLE
CHECKS | Permits
checking of parameter values specified with the SET command. | HELP | Displays
a summary of the SYSBOOT commands on the terminal screen. | SET parameter-name | Establishes
the value of a system parameter. | SET/STARTUP | Sets the
name of the system startup command procedure. | SHOW [parameter] | Displays
active, current, default, maximum, and minimum values for specific
parameters. (Use qualifiers to display characteristics of parameters
grouped by categories.) | USE [file-spec] | Specifies a parameter file to be used
as a source of values. You must enter the entire file specification,
including device and directory; you cannot specify a logical name. | USE DEFAULT | Specifies
that default values be used for all parameters. |
For examples of conversational booting, see “Booting
with Minimum Startup” and “Emergency
Booting”. Booting
with Minimum Startup |  |
In certain cases, you might want to boot your system without
performing the full sequence of startup events. For example, if
a startup event prevents you from logging in, you might want to
boot the system without executing the startup so that you can log
in and fix the problem. You can use the conversational boot to specify
a minimum startup.  |  |  |  |  | NOTE: Because this procedure bypasses specific startup operations,
it does not autoconfigure the system's peripheral devices. |  |  |  |  |
Boot the system with minimum startup as follows: Begin the conversational boot by entering
the following command at the EFI Shell prompt, where fsn:
is the device (such as fs1:) associated with the system disk and
the system root is [SYS0...]: Shell>fsn:\efi\vms\vms_loader.efi -flags 0,1
Enter the following command: SYSBOOT> SET STARTUP_P1 "MIN"
Enter the following command to ensure that the operating
system does not record for subsequent system reboots the STARTUP_P1
parameter change you made in step 2: SYSBOOT> SET WRITESYSPARAMS 0
Enter the following command to continue booting:
with the XDelta Utility (XDELTA) |  |
The XDelta utility (XDELTA) is a debugging tool that system
programmers use. The procedure for booting all Integrity servers
with XDELTA is the same. The following table describes the valid values you can specify
when booting with XDELTA: Value | System Response |
0 | Normal,
nonstop boot (default). | 1 | Begins
a conversational boot and then displays the SYSBOOT prompt. | 2 | Includes
XDELTA but does not take the initial breakpoint. | 3 | Displays
the SYSBOOT prompt and includes XDELTA but does not take the initial breakpoint. | 6 | Includes
XDELTA and takes the initial breakpoint. | 7 | Includes
XDELTA, displays the SYSBOOT prompt, and takes the initial breakpoint
at system initialization. |
EFI> fs1:\efi\vms\vms_loader.efi -flags 0,7
The following is an example of booting with XDELTA from fs1:
at the EFI> prompt: For more information about using XDELTA, see the HP OpenVMS Delta/XDelta Debugger Manual.
from a Different Root Directory |  |
By default, the OpenVMS I64 operating system is installed
in the system root directory [SYS0]. However, if you have created
a cluster system disk, you can use the SYS$MANAGER:CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM procedure
to add a copy of the operating system to a different root directory.
(See the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for more information
about using the SYS$MANAGER:CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM procedure.) To boot from a different root (for example, [SYS3]), enter
the following command at the EFI Shell prompt, where fsn:
(such as fs1:) is the device associated with the system disk: Shell>fsn:\efi\vms\vms_loader.efi -flags 3,0
Booting |  |
If a system problem prevents your system from booting, you
might need to perform an emergency boot operation. Table B-3 “Emergency Boot Procedures” summarizes these emergency boot
operations, and the sections that follow describe each boot operation
in more detail. Table B-3 Emergency Boot Procedures Operation | When to Use |
with default system parameters | When parameter
values in the parameter file have been modified so that the system
is unbootable | Booting
without startup and login procedures | If an error
in the startup or login procedure prevents you from logging in | Booting
without the user authorization file | If you
have forgotten the password and cannot log in to a privileged account |
with Default System ParametersIf the current values stored in the parameter file have been
incorrectly modified, these incorrect values might cause the system
to become unbootable. With a conversational boot operation, you
can reset the active values for all system parameters to the default
value. (In most cases, HP recommends that you use AUTOGEN to modify
system parameters. In certain cases, however, you can use a conversational
boot to modify a parameter value temporarily.
To change a parameter value permanently, you
must edit MODPARAMS.DAT and run AUTOGEN. For instructions, see
the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems.) The default values allow
you to boot the system temporarily so you can correct the problem.
How to Perform This TaskBegin the conversational boot by entering
the following command at the EFI Shell prompt, where fsn:
(such as fs1:) is the device associated with the system disk: Shell>fsn:\efi\vms\vms_loader.efi -flags 0,1
At the SYSBOOT> prompt, enter the following
command: The USE DEFAULT command specifies that default values should
be used for all parameters. To avoid starting all layered products on a system that
is not tuned for them, possibly causing the system to hang, set
the STARTUP_P1 system parameter as follows: SYSBOOT> SET STARTUP_P1 "MIN"
Enter the following command to ensure that the operating
system does not record for subsequent system reboots the STARTUP_P1
parameter change you made in step 3: SYSBOOT> SET WRITESYSPARAMS 0
Enter the following command to continue booting: When the system finishes booting, determine which changed
parameter caused the problem and reset the parameter value. If
you specified the value for the parameter in the AUTOGEN parameter
file MODPARAMS.DAT, fix the value in that file and run AUTOGEN.
For more information, see the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems.
Shut down and reboot the system.
Without Startup and Login ProceduresIf the system does not complete the startup procedures or
does not allow you to log in, you might need to bypass the startup
and login procedures. The startup and login procedures provided
by HP should always work. However, if you introduce an error when
you modify the startup or login procedure, you could accidentally
lock yourself out of the system. How to Perform This Task Begin the conversational boot by entering
the following command at the EFI Shell prompt, where fsn:
(such as fs1:) is the device associated with the system disk: Shell>fsn:\efi\vms\vms_loader.efi -flags 0,1
Enter the following command at the SYSBOOT> prompt: SYSBOOT> SET/STARTUP OPA0:
Enter the following command to ensure that the operating
system does not record for subsequent system reboots the STARTUP_P1
parameter change you made in step 2: SYSBOOT> SET WRITESYSPARAMS 0
Enter the following command to continue booting: When the system is booted, the operator console displays
the DCL command prompt ($). You are now logged in. Enter the following two DCL commands: The SPAWN command enables you to stay connected to the console,
and the second command instructs the operating system to ignore
any errors that might occur. If you do not enter these commands
and you invoke an error, the system logs you out. Without the SPAWN
command, you are logged out when the startup procedure completes
in step 8. Correct the error condition that caused the login failure.
(That is, make the necessary repairs to the startup or login procedure,
or to the SYSUAF.DAT file.) Use a text editor to correct the startup or login file. Note
that some system displays might not support a screen-mode editor.
You can also copy a corrected file and delete the incorrect version
by using the RENAME and DELETE commands. Perform a normal startup by entering the following command:
Without a User Authorization FileOrdinarily, the startup and login procedures provided by HP
work; however, certain conditions can cause them to fail. A simple
way to lock yourself out of the system is to set passwords to login
accounts and forget them. Another way to be locked out is if one
or more core system Product Authorization Key (PAK) software licenses
are unavailable or expired. In such emergencies, perform a conversational
emergency boot by performing the steps given in this section. How to Perform This Task Halt the system or
nPartition. (See “Halt and Shutdown Procedures” for
more information about how to halt your Integrity server.) Begin the conversational boot by entering the following
command at the EFI Shell prompt, where fsn:
(such as fs1:) is the device associated with the system disk: Shell>fsn:\efi\vms\vms_loader.efi -flags 0,1
You need your hardware system’s password for logging
in to the console. By default, both the user name and password
are set to Admin. If you do not have this password, contact HP
Customer Support to reset the hardware console password. Enter the following commands at the SYSBOOT> prompt: SYSBOOT> SET/STARTUP OPA0: SYSBOOT> SET WINDOW_SYSTEM 0 SYSBOOT> SET WRITESYSPARAMS 0 SYSBOOT> CONTINUE
The first three commands request the following: OpenVMS read the system startup
commands directly from the system console. The windowing system (if
any) not start. OpenVMS not record the parameter
changes for subsequent system reboots.
The last command causes the booting to continue. At the DCL prompt, the system now accepts startup commands
directly from the console. Enter the following two commands. These
commands allow a normal system startup while you are left logged in
on the console. Without the SPAWN command, you are logged out when
the startup completes. $ SPAWN $ @SYS$SYSTEM:STARTUP
Once you log out of this session, the system completes
the startup and can be used normally. Optionally, you can choose
to reboot the system.