HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 Upgrade and Installation Manual > Chapter 4 Before Upgrading
the OpenVMS Operating System
Backing Up the System Disk
HP strongly recommends that you make a backup copy of the
system disk and, if your configuration allows it, upgrade the backup
copy. Then, if there are problems, you still have a working system
disk.  |  |  |  |  | NOTE: OpenVMS Engineering has encountered cases where recovery
from a failed upgrade has been difficult, expensive, or impossible
because no backup of the preupgrade system disk was available.
Various hardware or software failures or a power failure can make
a partially upgraded system disk unusable. A backup copy might
be the only route to recovery. The minimal time required to make
a backup is a very wise investment. |  |  |  |  |
To back up the system disk, follow these steps: Shut down the system (for OpenVMS Alpha systems,
see “Shutting Down the
System”; OpenVMS
I64 systems, see “Shutting Down the
System”). Boot the operating system media, following the instructions
for OpenVMS I64 in “Booting Operations”,
and for OpenVMS Alpha in “Booting Operations”. Use the menu system to enter the DCL environment (option 8). Mount the system device and the target device on which
you will make the backup copy. (If you are backing up to tape,
skip to the next step.) For example, if your system disk is on
DKA0: and the target device is on DKA100:, you might use the following
commands. The /OVERRIDE qualifier used in this example allows you
to mount the system disk without entering its volume label. The /FOREIGN
qualifier is required for the target disk when you use the BACKUP
To back up the system disk to a magnetic tape, enter
the following commands, where MTA0: is the magnetic tape drive and label is
the volume label. Note that the BACKUP command automatically mounts
the tape and begins the backup to it. $$$ INITIALIZE MTA0: label $$$ MOUNT /OVERRIDE=IDENTIFICATION DKA0: $$$ BACKUP /IMAGE /LOG DKA0: MTA0:label.BCK
To back up to a device other than a magnetic tape drive,
enter the BACKUP command. For example, if your system disk is on
DKA0: and your target disk is on DKA100:, use the following command
(the colons are required): $$$ BACKUP /IMAGE /LOG DKA0: DKA100:
The /IMAGE qualifier causes the backup to produce a functionally
equivalent copy of the system disk, which is also bootable. The
/LOG qualifier causes the procedure to display the specification
of each save set file being processed. To compare the backed up
files to the source files, use the /VERIFY qualifier. If any discrepancies
are detected, the Backup utility displays error message. Log out from the DCL environment. Shut down the system by selecting option 9 on the menu.
For more complete information about backup operations, including
a description of an alternative method that does not require booting
from the operating system media, see Appendix E “Backing Up and Restoring the System Disk”. For more information about the Backup utility,
see the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: A-L.