HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 Upgrade and Installation Manual > Chapter 7 After Installing or Upgrading the OpenVMS Operating
Initializing or Configuring Installed Optional Components
Initialize and/or configure any of the following products
as necessary, following the instructions in the sections indicated: Initializing CDSA
(Optional) |  |
The Common Data Security Architecture (CDSA) software is installed,
configured, and initialized automatically with the operating system
installation or upgrade. CDSA is required for Secure Delivery purposes
and other security features; otherwise, use of CDSA is not required. Note that if you installed a new CDSA kit without upgrading
the base operating system, you must enter the following command
to initialize CDSA prior to its first use. Enter the command from
an account that has both SYSPRV and CMKRNL privileges (for example,
The following is an example of the output you might see:  |
@sys$startup:cdsa$upgrade Module uninstalled successfully. Module uninstalled successfully. Module uninstalled successfully. Module uninstalled successfully. Module uninstalled successfully. Module uninstalled successfully. CDSA-I-Init, CDSA has previously been initialized on this system. CDSA-I-Init, Re-initializing CDSA. CDSA-I-Init, Initializing CDSA MDS installed successfully. Module installed successfully. Module installed successfully. Module installed successfully. Module installed successfully. Module installed successfully. Module installed successfully. Module installed successfully. Module installed successfully. Module installed successfully. Module installed successfully. Module installed successfully. CDSA-I-Init, CDSA Initialization complete CDSA-I-Init, Initializing Secure Delivery Install completed successfully. Install completed successfully. Module installed successfully. Module installed successfully. CDSA-I-Init, Secure Delivery Initialization complete
 |  |  |  |  | NOTE: Do not attempt to explicitly remove CDSA from your system.
The PRODUCT REMOVE command is not supported for CDSA although there
appears to be an option to remove CDSA. CDSA is installed with
the operating system and is tightly bound with it. Attempts to
remove it do not work cleanly and can create undesirable side effects.
An attempt to remove it results in a message similar to the following: %PCSI-E-HRDREF, product HP I64VMS CDSA V2.2 is referenced by HP I64VMS OPENVMS V8.3 The two products listed above are tightly bound by a software dependency. If you override the recommendation to terminate the operation, the referenced product will be removed, but the referencing product will have an unsatisfied software dependency and may no longer function correctly. Please review the referencing product’s documentation on requirements. Answer YES to the following question to terminate the PRODUCT command. However, if you are sure you want to remove the referenced product then answer NO to continue the operation. Terminating is strongly recommended. Do you want to terminate? [YES]
|  |  |  |  |
For more information about CDSA, see HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS, Volume 1: Common Data Security Architecture.
the Availability Manager Base Software (Optional) |  |
The Availability Manager base kit is installed automatically
with the operating system. However, use of Availability Manager
is not required. If you do not plan to use Availability Manager
or any products that depend on it, skip to the next section. The files in the Availability Manager base kit make up what
is called the Data Collector. The Data Collector is used to collect
data for the Availability Manager and DECamds products. To display
the data, you need to install an Availability Manager Data Analyzer
kit on a node in the local LAN. The kit is included in the OpenVMS
upgrade media, or you can obtain it from the following Web site: http://www.hp.com/products/openvms/availabilitymanager The base kit files are the same files that have been provided
with the OpenVMS installation kit since Version 7.2. The only change
for OpenVMS Version 8.2 and higher is that these files are now installed
as a required product rather than being an optional software product
in the operating system kit. Procedures for configuring and using
these files remain unchanged. For more information about how to configure and use the files
in the Availability Manager base kit, see the section "Performing
Postinstallation Tasks" in the Availability Manager installation
instructions for OpenVMS (HP Availability Manager Installation
Instructions). This and other Availability Manager documents
are available at: http://www.hp.com/products/openvms/availabilitymanager  |  |  |  |  | NOTE: Do not attempt to explicitly remove the Availability
Manager from your system. The PRODUCT REMOVE command is not supported
for Availability Manager although there appears to be an option
to remove Availability Manager. The Availability Manager base software
is installed with the operating system and is tightly bound with
it. Attempts to remove it do not work cleanly and can create undesirable
side effects. An attempt to remove it results in a message similar
to the following:%PCSI-E-HRDREF, product HP I64VMS Availability Manager V8.3 is referenced by HP I64VMS OPENVMS V8.3 The two products listed above are tightly bound by a software dependency. If you override the recommendation to terminate the operation, the referenced product will be removed, but the referencing product will have an unsatisfied software dependency and may no longer function correctly. Please review the referencing product’s documentation on requirements. Answer YES to the following question to terminate the PRODUCT command. However, if you are sure you want to remove the referenced product then answer NO to continue the operation. Terminating is strongly recommended. Do you want to terminate? [YES]
|  |  |  |  |
Configuring Kerberos
(Optional) |  |
The Kerberos for OpenVMS software, which is based on MIT Kerberos,
is installed automatically with the operating system. However,
use of Kerberos is not required. If you do not plan to use Kerberos
or any products that depend on Kerberos, skip to the next section. To configure Kerberos, perform the following steps from a
privileged OpenVMS user account (for example, SYSTEM). Run the following command procedure to configure
the Kerberos clients and servers: $ @SYS$STARTUP:KRB$CONFIGURE.COM
Add the following line to your SYLOGIN command procedure
or to the LOGIN.COM of each user who will use Kerberos: $ @SYS$MANAGER:KRB$SYMBOLS
Edit SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM to remove the exclamation
point from the KRB$STARTUP.COM line so that it appears as shown
in the following example. (Note that SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM has HP TCP/IP
Services for OpenVMS starting before Kerberos. This is required.) $ @SYS$STARTUP:KRB$STARTUP.COM
For additional setup and configuration information, see the HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS, Volume 3: Kerberos manual.
This document contains links to the MIT Kerberos documentation
and is available from the OpenVMS Version 8.3 kit.  |  |  |  |  | NOTE: Do not attempt to explicitly remove Kerberos from your
system. The PRODUCT REMOVE command is not supported for Kerberos
although there appears to be an option to remove Kerberos. Kerberos
is installed with the operating system and is tightly bound with
it. Attempts to remove it do not work cleanly and can create undesirable
side effects. An attempt to remove it results in a message similar
to the following:%PCSI-E-HRDREF, product HP I64VMS Kerberos V3.0 is referenced by HP I64VMS OPENVMS V8.3 The two products listed above are tightly bound by a software dependency. If you override the recommendation to terminate the operation, the referenced product will be removed, but the referencing product will have an unsatisfied software dependency and may no longer function correctly. Please review the referencing product’s documentation on requirements. Answer YES to the following question to terminate the PRODUCT command. However, if you are sure you want to remove the referenced product then answer NO to continue the operation. Terminating is strongly recommended. Do you want to terminate? [YES]
|  |  |  |  |
SSL for OpenVMS |  |
The HP SSL for OpenVMS software is installed automatically
with the operating system. However, use of SSL is not required.
If you do not plan to use SSL or any products that depend on it,
skip to the next section. The SSL$STARTUP.COM command procedure has been added to VMS$LPBEGIN-050
to enable SSL to start automatically. Add the following line to SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDOWN.COM: $ @SYS$STARTUP:SSL$SHUTDOWN.COM
If you are upgrading and have an earlier version of SSL installed,
copy your SSL$STARTUP.TEMPLATE file (located in SYS$STARTUP) to
SSL$STARTUP.COM in the SYS$STARTUP directory. Several other post-installation and post-upgrade tasks are
required, as described in the SSL release notes, available in SYS$HELP:SSLnnn.RELEASE_NOTES, where nnn is the version of the SSL software, such as 013. For more information about SSL, see HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS, Volume 2: HP SSL for OpenVMS.  |  |  |  |  | NOTE: Do not attempt to explicitly remove SSL from your
system. The PRODUCT REMOVE command is not supported for SSL although
there appears to be an option to remove SSL. SSL is installed with
the operating system and is tightly bound with it. Attempts to
remove it do not work cleanly and can create undesirable side effects.
An attempt to remove it results in a message similar to the following: %PCSI-E-HRDREF, product HP I64VMS SSL V1.3 is referenced by HP I64VMS OPENVMS V8.3 The two products listed above are tightly bound by a software dependency. If you override the recommendation to terminate the operation, the referenced product will be removed, but the referencing product will have an unsatisfied software dependency and may no longer function correctly. Please review the referencing product’s documentation on requirements. Answer YES to the following question to terminate the PRODUCT command. However, if you are sure you want to remove the referenced product then answer NO to continue the operation. Terminating is strongly recommended. Do you want to terminate? [YES]
|  |  |  |  |
WBEM Services for OpenVMS (Optional; I64 only) |  |
If you chose to install WBEM Services for OpenVMS as part
of your OpenVMS I64 installation or upgrade, you must now configure
the software by following these step. WBEM Services for OpenVMS
is necessary for supporting applications such as Instant Capacity
and Pay per use. Enter the following command $ RUN SYS$SYSROOT:[WBEM_SERVICES]WBEM_SERVICES$SETUP
This command invokes a utility that initializes the environment
for WBEM Services for OpenVMS. It can take four or five minutes
to complete, depending on the speed of your computer and disks. The utility prompts you for the root directory where
the WBEM Services for OpenVMS environment is to be established,
as in the following example. The default is the location where the configuration
procedure is running. The files created by the configuration procedure
need not be in the same disk or directory as where WBEM Services
for OpenVMS was installed. Enter ODS-5 Disk:[VIOLET$DKA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][WBEM_SERVICES]]:
This example assumes the user takes the default location indicated.
This is the directory in which the utility creates the Cimserver
repository tree. The Cimserver is the WBEM Services for OpenVMS
process that runs on the system to support certain applications.
The repository, a compiled version of the Common Information Model
(CIM) class schema, requires an ODS-5 formatted disk (the repository
uses UNIX-style file names, which are not supported on ODS-2 formatted
disks). Next, the utility creates SYS$STARTUP:WBEM_SERVICES$STARTUP.COM,
which will define system logicals for the WBEM Services for OpenVMS
environment, as indicated by the following message generated by
the utility. If you see the “WARNING - WARNING” delimiters
to the message as in this example, you can disregard them; the message
is intended for informational purposes only; no response is necessary. ********* WARNING - WARNING ********** This program creates SYS$STARTUP:WBEM_SERVICES$STARTUP.COM which will define the following system logicals: PEGASUS_HOME as /violet$dka0/sys0/syscommon/wbem_services WBEM_VAR as violet$dka0:[sys0.syscommon.][wbem_services.var.] WBEM_ETC as sys$common:[wbem_services.etc.] WBEM_OPT as sys$common:[wbem_services.opt.] WBEM_LIB as sys$library ********* WARNING - WARNING *********
The WBEM_SERVICES$SETUP utility is a UNIX application ported
to OpenVMS, which explains why the PEGASUS_HOME logical includes
UNIX directory syntax. In addition, the WBEM_VAR, WBEM_ETC, and
WBEM_OPT logicals define UNIX-style root directories (var, etc, and opt). WBEM_LIB points to the location of the WBEM providers.
Disk and directory locations in this message reflect your response
to the prompt in step 2. The utility also creates SYS$COMMON:[WBEM_SERVICES]WBEM_SERV_STARTUP.COM, which
WBEM users can add to their LOGIN.COM file, as indicated in the
following example: This program creates SYS$COMMON:[WBEM_SERVICES]WBEM_SERV_STARTUP.COM which WBEM users can add to their login.com. Do you want to continue with this setup (Y/N) {Y}?
Continue the procedure by pressing
Enter. If you choose to continue, a message informs you that
the repository is being restored. To save time, the repository is
being restored from a backup save set. The restore process could
take up to 4 or 5 minutes. When this completes, the Cimserver environment
setup is complete. Next, you are asked whether the Cimserver should be
started: Do you want to start the Cimserver now (Y/N) {Y}?:
Cimserver must be running to enable your system to take advantage
of Instant Capacity or Pay per use services. You can start Cimserver
now or perform other postinstallation or postupgrade tasks first,
and then start Cimserver. To ensure that Cimserver is started automatically at
For more information about HP WBEM products, see the following
Web site: http://www.hp.com/go/wbem Configure
the Instant Capacity Software (Optional; I64 only) |  |
Instant Capacity (iCAP) software is supported on cell-based
Integrity servers. If you choose to use Instant Capacity, configure the software
by entering the following command: $ @SYS$MANAGER:ICAP$CONFIG.COM
For more information about configuring and using Instant Capacity,
see the HP Instant Capacity User’s Guide on
the following Web site: http://docs.hp.com/en/hplex.html#Utility%20Pricing Configure
the Pay per use Software (Optional; I64 only) |  |
Pay per use (PPU) software is supported on cell-based Integrity
servers leased from HP Finance. If you choose to use Pay per use, configure the software by
entering the following command: $ @SYS$MANAGER:PPU$CONFIG.COM
For more information about configuring and using Pay per use,
see the HP Pay per use User’s Guide on
the following Web site: http://docs.hp.com/en/hplex.html#Utility%20Pricing Initializing
and Running the Performance Data Collector Base Software (Optional) |  |
The Performance Data Collector for HP OpenVMS (TDC) collects
and manages configuration and performance data for analysis by other
applications. TDC_RT Version 2.2 is a run-time only (base) variant
of the TDC software that is installed automatically with the OpenVMS
operating system for use on specific operating system platforms. Use of the TDC_RT software is not required. If you do not
plan to use TDC_RT or any products that depend on it, you can skip
to the next section. TDC_RT does not run automatically when the system starts,
but any suitably privileged user can start the software manually.
This section includes information about system parameters, privileges
and quotas, startup, and installation in OpenVMS Clusters.  |  |  |  |  | NOTE: Do not attempt to explicitly remove TDC_RT from your
system. The PRODUCT REMOVE command is not supported for TDC_RT
although there appears to be an option to remove it. TDC_RT is
installed with the operating system and is tightly bound with it.
HP or third-party applications might require TDC_RT. Attempts
to remove it do not work cleanly and can create undesirable side
effects. An attempt to remove it results in a message similar to
the following: %PCSI-E-HRDREF, product HP TDC_RT V2.2 is referenced by HP I64VMS OPENVMS V8.3 The two products listed above are tightly bound by a software dependency. If you override the recommendation to terminate the operation, the referenced product will be removed, but the referencing product will have an unsatisfied software dependency and may no longer function correctly. Please review the referencing product’s documentation on requirements. Answer YES to the following question to terminate the PRODUCT command. However, if you are sure you want to remove the referenced product then answer NO to continue the operation. Terminating is strongly recommended. Do you want to terminate? [YES]
|  |  |  |  |
User Privileges
and QuotasUsers of TDC_RT require various privileges, depending on the
types of data to be collected. Online help is available when running
the collector application and specifies the privileges required
to collect each type of data. Enabling the following set of privileges
enables collection of all data items: CMKRNL, LOG_IO, NETMBX, PHY_IO,
SYSLCK, SYSPRV, WORLD. Users of the product also require working set quotas (WSQUO)
greater than the following: 6000 pagelets on
Alpha systems | 7000 pagelets on I64 systems |
TDC_RT provides a startup file that should be launched during
system startup. The startup file defines several logical names
required for use of the product, but the startup file does not actually
start the data collector. Add the following line to SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM: $ @SYS$STARTUP:TDC$STARTUP
To directly run TDC$STARTUP.COM, SYSNAM privilege is required. Compatibility
with Prior ReleasesNote the following about prior releases of TDC software. TDC Version 1.n For users of some third-party system-management applications,
TDC Version 1.n was distributed by web download. Applications developed
using TDC Version 1.n will not work with TDC Version 2.2 software until
they are rebuilt using the TDC Version 2.2 Software Developer’s
Kit (SDK). You can obtain this SDK kit from the following Web site: http://www.hp.com/products/openvms/tdc/ Data files created using TDC Version 1.n cannot be read by TDC_RT Version 2.2. Data files
created using TDC_RT Version 2.2 cannot be read using TDC Version
1.n. When TDC_RT Version 2.1 or any newer version of TDC is installed,
files associated with TDC Version 1.n are not removed. In any case, TDC_RT Version 2.1
(or higher) and TDC Version 1.n can safely coexist on a system. You can remove the
older TDC files by uninstalling TDC (use the DCL command PRODUCT REMOVE). TDC Version 2.0 TDC Version 2.0 was released for use on OpenVMS Alpha Version
7.3-2 systems. Prior to installing the current release of OpenVMS
Alpha, you should have removed TDC Version 2.0 from your system.
(When you install the current version of TDC from the Web site mentioned
in this section, the Version 2.0 files are removed automatically.)
Applications developed using TDC Version 2.0 will not work
with TD_RTC Version 2.2 until they have been rebuilt using the TDC
Version 2.2 Software Developer’s Kit (SDK). Software developers relying on the Software Developer’s
Kit (SDK) provided with TDC Version 2.0 should obtain the updated
SDK that is included with the latest complete Performance Data Collector
kit. You can obtain that kit from the following Web site: http://www.hp.com/products/openvms/tdc/ Data files created using TDC Version 2.0 cannot be read by
TDC_RT Version 2.2. Data files created using TDC_RT Version 2.2
cannot be read using TDC Version 2.0. TDC Version 2.1 With one known exception, applications developed using
TDC Version 2.1 should continue to work with TDC_RT Version 2.2;
however, they will not be able to access the new TDC features or
data. HP Enterprise Capacity and Performance (ECP) Version 5.5
specifically requires TDC/TDC_RT Version 2.1 as its data collector
with OpenVMS Version 8.2 or later. For interoperability with TDC/TDC_RT
Version 2.2 or later, ECP must be upgraded to Version 5.6A or later.
TDC_RT Version 2.2 should be able to read data files created
using TDC Version 2.1. However, data files created using TDC_RT
Version 2.2 are not readable by TDC Version 2.1 software. Files shared by TDC_RT Version 2.2 and TDC Version 2.1 are
updated; these files are the documentation and support files listed
in SYS$COMMON:[TDC]README.TXT as common to all kit variants. Image files
installed with TDC Version 2.1 are retained in their installed locations.
The TDC Version 2.1 SDK (if installed) and any additional documentation
files installed with TDC Version 2.1 are retained. You can continue
to use the TDC Version 2.1 SDK to develop software to interact with
TDC; however, you must download and install the TDC Version 2.2
kit (including its SDK) to access new data records and features. Running SYS$STARTUP:TDC$STARTUP.COM causes the TDC_RT Version
2.2 images (instead of the Version 2.1 images) to be used at runtime. You can remove TDC Version 2.1 without affecting the integrity
of the TDC_RT Version 2.2 installation. TDC Version 2.2 on an earlier version of OpenVMS If you upgrade to OpenVMS Version 8.3 from an earlier version
of OpenVMS on which TDC Version 2.2 was installed, files shared
by TDC_RT Version 2.2 and TDC Version 2.2 are updated; these files
are the documentation and support files listed in SYS$COMMON:[TDC]README.TXT
as common to all kit variants. Unless the TDC and TDC_RT kits share
the same baselevel number (for example, 102), image files installed
with TDC Version 2.2 are retained in their installed locations.
Most likely, the downloaded TDC Version 2.2 software will be more
recent (higher baselevel number) than the TDC_RT Version 2.2 software
installed with OpenVMS Version 8.3. The TDC Version 2.2 SDK (if
installed) and any additional documentation files installed with
TDC Version 2.2 are retained. Running SYS$STARTUP:TDC$STARTUP.COM causes the most recent
TDC/TDC_RT Version 2.2 images to be used at runtime, regardless
of whether they were installed with TDC Version 2.2 or with TDC_RT Version
2.2. You can remove TDC Version 2.2 without affecting the integrity
of the TDC_RT Version 2.2 installation if their baselevel numbers
differ. TDC_RT Version 2.1 When you upgrade to OpenVMS Version 8.3 from OpenVMS
Version 8.2 or 8.2-1, TDC_RT Version 2.2 completely supersedes TDC_RT
Version 2.1; all files shared by the two releases are updated appropriately,
and any files used by TDC_RT Version 2.1 that are not also used
by TDC_RT Version 2.2 are removed from the system.
As of OpenVMS Version 8.2 of OpenVMS, TDC and TDC_RT use the
same naming scheme for image files. A build number is tagged to
the image file names. For example, if the version of TDC_RT that
ships with your operating system is Version 2.1-60 (where 60 is
the build number), then the files that are installed will have names
such as TDC$APISHR$A_V830-0060.EXE, where $A denotes Alpha ($I denotes
I64), V830 denotes the version of OpenVMS (8.3), and 0060 is the
build number. The SYS$STARTUP:TDC$STARTUP.COM startup file, which
is also identical for both TDC and TDC_RT, uses this build number
to determine which image files to use. When a subsequent installation
is performed with software that has higher build numbers, the TDC$STARTUP.COM
startup file uses the image files with the highest build number
appropriate for the current platform. To run the collector application, users can enter the TDC
command at the DCL prompt. But first, because the TDC command is
not included in the system command table SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE,
each user must add the command to their table by entering the following
command at the DCL prompt: $ SET COMMAND SYS$COMMON:[TDC]TDC$DCL
Each user can add this SET command to their LOGIN.COM file.
However, because elevated privileges are required for most data
collection operations, it might not be appropriate to add this command
to SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM. To start the collector application, enter the TDC command: For more information about running the application, see the
file SYS$COMMON:[TDC]TDC_README.TXT. Release notes are located
in the file SYS$COMMON:[TDC]TDC_RELEASE_NOTES.TXT. See both of
these files before running the collector application. Installation
in OpenVMS ClustersTDC_RT is installed in SYS$COMMON:[TDC] by default. Included
are only those files required to run the data collector with the
particular operating system version it was distributed with. Once
TDC_RT is installed and SYS$STARTUP:TDC$STARTUP.COM has been run
on each cluster member, then all cluster members in a single-version,
single-architecture OpenVMS Cluster should be able to run the software.
For mixed-version and mixed-architecture clusters, you should
obtain and install a complete Performance Data Collector kit (TDC
Version 2.2) from the following Web site: http://www.hp.com/products/openvms/tdc The complete kit provides an SDK and run-time environments
for all supported OpenVMS configurations. It supports installation
on a clusterwide basis in mixed-version and mixed-architecture OpenVMS
Clusters. Preparing to Use
OpenVMS Management Station (Optional) |  |
If you installed the OpenVMS Management Station software on
your system (either by accepting all default values or by selecting
the component manually during the installation or upgrade procedure),
you must perform several tasks on your OpenVMS system and your PC
before you can use OpenVMS Management Station. These tasks include
the following: Starting OpenVMS Management Station on other nodes Verifying that you have the proper memory, disk
space, media, and the required software to install and run OpenVMS
Management Station on your PC Installing the client software on your PC Defining DECnet nodes (after a new installation
For complete information about preparing your OpenVMS system
and your PC to run the OpenVMS Management Station server and client
software, see Appendix G “Preparing to Use OpenVMS Management Station”. Installing OpenVMS
Debugger Clients on a PC (Optional) |  |
The latest version of the OpenVMS Debugger runs on OpenVMS
Alpha and I64 systems. The debug server runs on OpenVMS, while
a debug client, which is the user interface to the server, runs
on OpenVMS and on Microsoft® Windows® 95, Windows 98, Windows NT®, Windows 2000, and Windows
XP. There is no special installation procedure for the components
that run on OpenVMS. The installation guide and kit for the OpenVMS
debugger client is located on the Layered Products CD that comes
with the OpenVMS binary CD set. The directory on the CD is DEBUG_CLIENTS011.
The KIT.DIR subdirectory contains the following files: 40COMUPD.EXE | DEBUGX86011.EXE |
For installation instructions,