Appendix D

DECevent Selection Keywords for Bit-To-Text Translation

This appendix contains descriptions and examples of all selection keywords associated with Bit-To-Text translation of events.

D.1 The -i (include) Qualifier

The -i qualifier allows you to include event entries meeting the selection criteria specified. Only event entries meeting the selection criteria are included in the output.


Syntax for the -i command is the following:

dia -i keyword [= val] [ ...]

The val field is an optional field used to further define the selection keyword. For example, the keyword disk can be further defined with the value RZ23.


All keyword values must be entered in upper case.


%dia -i disk > filename.out

In the previous example, all entries selected from the event log are disk entries. The output is directed to the filename.out file.


%dia -i disk=RZ23 > filename.out

In the previous example only RZ23 entries are selected from the event log. The output is directed to a file named filename.out. You can combine -x and -i qualifiers in the same command line to further narrow the selection scope. An -i -i combination or an -x -x combination will result in an error.

Refer to Section D.4 for examples of using different include commands, and Section D.3 for the definitions of the selection keywords.

D.2 The -x (exclude) Qualifier

The -x qualifier allows you to exclude event entries meeting the criteria specified. Only event entries meeting the criteria are excluded from the output.


Syntax for the -x command is the following:

dia -x keyword [= val] [ ...]

The val field is an optional field used to further define the selection keyword. For example, the keyword disk can be further defined with the value RZ23.


All keyword values must be entered in upper case.


%dia -x disk > filename.out

In the previous example all entries in the log are selected except disk entries. The output is directed to the filename.out file.


%dia -x disk=RZ23 > filename.out

In the previous example only RZ23 disk entries are excluded from the log. The output is directed to the filename.out file.

You can combine -x and -i qualifiers in the same command line to further narrow the selection scope. An -i -i combination or an -x -x combination will result in an error.

Refer to Section D.4 for examples of using different exclude commands, and Section D.3 for the definitions of the selection keywords.

D.3 The Selection Keywords and Their Definitions

You can use all keywords to exclude or include information from the output. The keywords and their definitions are listed in this section. The abbreviated forms of the keywords, bolded in the table, also are acceptable. For example, you may exclude environmental_entries with the following command:

%dia -x env

Table D-1 Keyword Definitions


Event Type Definition

cac he

Cache entries


All SCSI entries logged by CAM logger.

conf igurations

Configuration entries

cont rol_entries

System startup, or new errorlog creation

cpu s

Machine check (670, 660, 630) entries for AXP

dat es

Select on the timestamps in the entries (Use the -t qualifier instead)

device_e rrors

Device errors, device attention, device timeouts, logged message (MSCP), logged status (MSCP), logged MSCP messages

device_n umber

Entries that contain device numbers

dis ks

Disk class entries

env ironmental_entries

Power entries

hos ts

Event logs with a node name (Use the -H qualifier instead)

kzm sa

Entries logged by CAM logger with CAM device class of XMI to SCSI.

kzp sa

Entries logged by CAM logger with CAM device class of SIMport adapters, PCI to SCSI.

kzt sa

Entries logged by CAM logger with CAM device class of SIMport adapters, Turbochannel to SCSI.

swx cr

Entries logged by SWXCR.

inf ormationals

Contain only logged message entries with the MSCP flags set for informational

io _subsystems or ios

Device errors, device timeout, device attentions, logged status (MSCP), logged message (MSCP), logged MSCP message entries

mac hine_checks or mch ks

Events with machine checking information

me mory

Events with soft error (CRD), extended (CRD), and memscan entries

nod es

Event logs with a host name (Use the -H qualifier instead)

ope rating_systems or os

Event logs with an operating system type

pan ic

Crash Re-start, System Panic, or User Panic entries

pow er or pwr

DEC 7000 CPU power entries

scsi_ada pter

Entries logged by CAM logger with CAM device class of SCSI adapters, including local SCSI chip adapters, and SCSI bus adapters KZMSA, KZTSA, KZPSA, etc.

scsi_oth er

Entries logged by CAM logger other than disk, tape or processor.

scsi_proc essor

Entries logged by CAM logger with CAM device class of processor. Used only in the DECSAVE ASE environment.

seq uence_numbers

Entries that contain an event sequence number

sof tware_informationals or swi

Events with lastfail, system startup, system configuration, (volume mounts, volume dismounts, new errorlogs, timestamp entries)

syn c_communications

Sync communication device entries

tap es

Event logs that contain all tape class entries

unk nown_entries

Events with device types that have not been classified by the current set of rules

osf _entry

Events logged on a Tru64 UNIX operating system

D.4 Examples of Using the -i and -x Qualifiers

The following subsections provide -i and -x qualifier examples.

D.4.1 -i Qualifier Examples

The following example includes only power entries:

%dia -i power

The following example includes power, cpu, and tape entries:

%dia -i power cpu tape

The following example gives an error because two -i flags are not allowed:

%dia -i pwr -i cpu

D.4.2 -x Qualifier Examples

The following example excludes power entries and places the output in a file called outfile:

%dia -x pwr > outfile

The following example excludes power, cache and cpu entries and places the output in a file called outfile:

%dia -x pwr cpu cache> outfile

The following example gives an error because two -x flags are not allowed:

%dia -x pwr -x cpu

D.4.3 -x and -i Combinations

The following example includes all power entries that are not cpu entries:

%dia -i pwr -x cpu

The following example includes all power entries and excludes entries from node cxaiag that are not cpu entries:

%dia -i pwr -x cpu -H cxaiag

The following example includes all power and io_subsystem entries that are not cpu entries:

%dia -i pwr io_subsystem -x cpu

The following example includes all power entries that are not cpu or software_informational entries:

%dia -i power -x cpu swi

The following example includes all power entries and excludes from the node cxaiag that are not cpu or software_informational entries:

%dia -i power -x cpu swi -H cxaiag